7 Tips Perawatan Rambut Agar Sehat dan Berkilau

7 Tips Perawatan Rambut Agar Sehat dan Berkilau

7 Tips perawatan rambut agar sehat dan berkilau - Rambut mempunyai peranan penting dalam kehidupan setiap individu, rambut sangat berpengaruh terhadap penampilan seseorang, dimana rambut dapat dibentuk dan diubah dan membuat berbagai style untuk mengikuti tren fashion yang selalu berubah, jadi tidaklah salah kalau rambut sering di identikkan sebagai mahkota.Tapi perlu berhati-hati agar kesehatan rambut tetap terjaga, rambut tidak mengalami kerusakan, berketombe serta rambut rontok, maka diet sehat dan selalu menjaga kebersihan rambut akan memberikan manfaat bagi kesehatan rambut Anda.

- Pola makan yang buruk, penyakit dan kekurangan vitamin tertentu serta mineral mempengaruhi kesehatan rambut seperti masalah ketombe, rambut menipis, kebotakan, timbulnya uban sebelum waktunya.

- Beberapa tips, diet dan gaya hidup sehat dapat menjadi solusi agar kesehatan rambut tetap terjaga dengan terhindar dari berbagai masalah rambut seperti ketombe, kebotakan, rambut rontok dan lain-lain.

- Makanan yang sehat dapat membantu rambut Anda tetap kuat dan mengkilap, dan mencegah rambut rontok, makanan dapat diperoleh dari beberapa sumber seprti : protein yang cukup, buah-buahan, sayuran mentah, biji-bijian, kacang-kacangan, serta omega 3 asam lemak yang dapat ditemukan pada ikan salmon atau minyak biji rami dan produk susu, dan jangan lupa banyak minum air putih.

- Gunakan produk yang alami seperti shikakai, lemon, minyak kelapa dll, bila rambut Anda kering bilas dengan jus lemon agar rambut kembali bersinar.Campur cuka sari apel dengan air untuk mendapatkan rambut yang lembut dan berkilau.Oleskan madu pada kulit kepala Anda untuk memecahkan masalah rambut yang kusut dan keriting.Campurkan madu dalam dua pot krim segar untuk menciptakan produk alami yang sangat baik untuk rambut kering.

- Selalu gunakan sampo yang alami, ringan dengan kondisioner yang mengandung bahan seperti keratin, rosemary, protein nabati dan ekstrak rumput laut.Hal ini penting mencucui rambut Anda karena keramas akan membantu menghilangkan kotoran, sel-sel kulit mati, minyak rambut, sisa-sisa produk rambut yang Anda gunakan.Gunakan kondisioner setelah keramas, ini akan melembabkan rambut Anda, memberikan perlindungan ekstra, membuat rambut lebih bersinar dan berkilau, dan rambut lebih mudah untuk disisir.

- Gunakan sisir bergigi jarang bila rambut masih dalam keadaan basah, pakailah sikat atau sisir yang halus, jangan menggunakan sisir yang tajam yang dapat merusak rambut dan kulit kepala Anda.Untuk rambut yang rapuh hindari menyikat atau menyisir rabut  dalam keadaan basah, tunggu sampai sepenuhnya kering karena akan mudah rusak dan rontok.Mengurangi penggunaan bahan kimia, khususnya gel, pewarna atau pemutih.

- Keringkan rambut Anda dengan panas minimal, ini adalah adalah tips yang sangat penting dalam perawatan rambut, karena panas yang ekstrim akan merusak rambut Anda, kurangi frekuensi penggunaan pengering rambut ( hairdryer ), pengeriting rambut dan alat perawatan elektrik lainnya.

- Biasakan menyikat rambut Anda setiap hari minimal 3-4 kali secara teratur untuk menstimulasi kulit kepala Anda.stimulasi kulit kepala secara teratur akan merangsang minyak alami untuk menghilangkan jaringan kulit kepala yang mati.Tips ini sangat penting bagi penderita ketombe yang parah ( ekstrim ), menyikat kulit kepala secara teratur akan mengurangi dan menghilangkan ketombe.

Biasakan untuk memangkas rambut Anda setiap bulan, rambut dipotong sekitar 1/8 dari ujung rambut Anda untuk merangsang pertumbuhan rambut yang sehat.

Demikianlah beberapa tips perawatan rambut sehari-hari, praktis, ekonomis untuk mendapatkan rambut yang sehat, kuat dan berkilau.
9 Tips Untuk Hidup Sehat Berkualitas

9 Tips Untuk Hidup Sehat Berkualitas

9 Tips untuk hidup sehat berkualitas - Setiap orang pasti ingin sehat dan bugar sepanjang waktu, agar mampu melaksanakan segala aktivitas dengan lancar.Jika ingin sehat tentunya kita harus melakukan kebiasaan dan pola hidup sehat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.Kita semua tahu bahwa kebiasaan sehat, misalnya tidak merokok, menjaga berat badan ideal, olahraga, makan makanan yang sehat dan banyak lagi kebiasaan sehat lainnya.Kedengarannya sangat sederhana, tetapi banyak yang telah mencoba  merasa betapa sulitnya merubah kebiasaan, beberapa orang berusaha membuat perubahan drastis, akan tetapi ketika mereka menghadapi kesulitan mereka langsung menyerah.

Sebenarnya rahasia untuk hidup sehat itu hanya perlu melakukan perubahan-perubahan kecil yang harus dilakukan secara terus menerus seperti, segelas air putih dipagi hari, aktivitas fisik yang cukup, berpikir positif ( Positif thinking ).Nah dengan perubahan-perubahan kecil dan sederhana  inilah yang akan menciptakan hasil yang luar biasa dalam kehidupan Anda ( sehat, bugar, serta hidup yang lebih berkualitas ).

Dibawah adalah beberapa tips dan kebiasaan-kebiasaan sederhana yang perlu dilakukan agar selalu sehat dan bugar setiap hari, sehingga kita dapat melakukan aktivitas dengan lancar.

1.Segelas air putih di pagi hari

Biasakan bangun di pagi hari dengan segelas air putih, jika Anda suka bisa ditambahkan jeruk lemon atau jeruk nipis, air putih diyakini dapat membersihkan racun dan radikal bebas di dalam tubuh, dan tentu saja agar Anda terhindar dari dehidrasi ( 60% tubuh kita adalah cairan ).

2.Tidur yang Cukup

Kurang tidur dapat membuat Anda lelah, marah dan tidak dapat menjaga konsentrasi dengan baik.Kurang tidur juga dapat merusak fisik, kesehatan ( terutama kesehatan jantung ).beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 8 jam tidur per 24 jam ( sehari semalam ) merupakan kebutuhan standar rata-rata untuk orang dewasa.Tapi masing-masing orang bisa  juga berbeda-beda berkisar antara 8 -10 jam, jika Anda masih merasa mengantuk, kemungkinan Anda masih kurang tidur.

3.Peregangan di pagi hari

Peregangan dapat meningkatkan aliran darah ke otot-otot Anda, dan memberikan ekstra oksigen yang akan berguna untuk melakukan aktivitas hari ini dengan penuh semangat dan optimisme.

4.Biasakan sarapan di pagi hari

Makan pagi ( breakfast ) sangat bermanfaat sebagai sumber tenaga untuk beraktivitas, sarapan juga dapat mencegah dari penyakit lambung ( gastritis ), tidak perlu takut gemuk, karena beberapa penelitian ( Konfrensi American heart Association 2003 ) melaporkan bahwa orang yang sarapan dipagi hari kecil kemungkinan untuk menderita gemuk dan penyakit diabetes jika dibandingkan dengan orang yang tidak sarapan ( nonbreakfast ).

5.Sempatkan waktu untuk berjalan kaki setiap hari.

Kita tentunya sudah tahu tentan keuntungan beraktivitas fisik ( jalan kaki ),akan tetapi banyak diantara kita yang merasa tidak punya waktu dan keinginan untuk berolahraga.Jika anda bekerja dikantor biasakan menggunakan tangga bukan lift, berjalan-jalan dengan teman Anda, berjalan-jalan dengan Anjing Anda sedikit lebih lama ini akan membuat Anda lebih aktif secara fisik.beberapa peneliti mengatakan bahwa orang hanya perlu berjalan 12 mil perminggu atau sekitar 125-200 menit perminggu untuk meningkatkan kesehatan jantung mereka.

6.Lakukan interaksi sosial.

Dikatakan bahwa orang yang kesepian lebih cendrung sakit dan mati muda.Orang yang tidak memiliki teman gampang stress, depresi dan sering kurang aktif secara fisik.Para ahli mengatakan bahwa seseorang yang mempunyai interaksi sosial yang baik kesehatannya juga akan lebih baik.

7.Komsumsi makanan yang Alami ( tanpa bahan pengawet )

Teliti daftar makanan yang akan Anda beli, apakah mengandung bahan pengawet dan tidak sehat, ada banyak bahkan ratusan makanan yang tidak sehat serta mengandung pengawet yang beredar dipasaran, jadi pastika Anda lebih berhati-hati dalam memilih makanan yang sehat untuk Anda.Dapatkan informasi yang cukup tentang makanan, kosmetik dan produk lainnya yang kurang baik bagi kesehatan Anda di Internet.

8.Cari Kegiatan baru

Menciptakan kegiatan baru bersama teman, keluarga seperti hiking, olahraga kelompok, ski atau naik sepeda, menyalurkan hobi dapat memberikan kenikmatan tersendiri dan mengurangi stress.Anda juga akan mulai bertemu orang-orang yang memiliki minat sama seperti Anda dan mungkin mendapat beberapa teman-teman baru, asik kan ? Nikmati hobi baru Anda, dan ingat bahwa orang yang bahagia biasanya hidup lebih lama.

9.Cintai Hidup Anda

Relaks ! jangan gugup dan marah hanya karena masalah sepele, jangan terlalu serius, senyum, cinta orang lain, dan selalu melihat sisi terang kehidupan.

Jika tips ini dipraktekkan dengan benar dan berkesinambungan Anda dapat mendapatkan manfaat yang luar biasa, sehat, bugar sepanjang hari dan hidup yang berkualitas.
Inilah tips sederhana agar mata tetap sehat

Inilah tips sederhana agar mata tetap sehat

Inilah tips sederhana menjaga mata tetap sehat - Mata merupakan anugerah dan karunia yang tak terhingga dari Sang pencipta, jadi tidak salah jika ada pepatah mengatakan bahwa " Mata adalah jendela dunia " karena dengan mata kita bisa melihat keindahan dunia dengan segala isinya, Anda bisa melihat wajah-wajah orang yang Anda kasihi, keluarga, sahabat dan lingkungan dimana Anda berada, bisa kita bayangkan bagaimana para penderita tunanetra tidak bisa menikmati kehidupan seutuhnya, patut kita syukuri atas nikmat yang telah diberikan Allah SWT kepada kita dengan cara menjaga dan merawat mata kita agar senantiasa tetap sehat.

Ada banyak hal yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk menjaga mata tetap sehat, jika Anda tertarik, ikutilah langkah-langkah sebagai berikut :

Lakukan pemeriksaan mata secara berkala dan berkesinambungan.

Selama ini mungkin Anda berpikir bahwa penglihatan ( visus ) Anda baik-baik saja, atau mata Anda sehat-sehat saja, akan tetapi dengan mengunjungi tempat perawatan mata yang profesional untuk melakukan pemeriksaan mata secara komprehensip adalah satu-satunya cara untuk memastikan bahwa kesehatan mata Anda baik-baik saja.Juga beberapa orang kadang-kadang tidak menyadari bahwa mereka bisa melihat lebih baik dengan kacamata atau lensa kontak.Selain itu penyakit mata yang umum terjadi seperti glaukoma, penyakit diabetes serta penyakit karena usia seperti degenerasi makula seringkali tidak memiliki tanda dan gejala untuk peringatan.

Ketahui riwayat kesehatan mata keluarga Anda.

Bicarakan dengan keluarga besar Anda, apakah ada riwayat penyakit yang diderita anggota keluarga.Jadi sangat penting diketahui apakah ada orang dalam anggota keluarga yang telah di diagnosis penyakit yang sifatnya turun-temurun.Hal ini akan membantu untuk menentukan apakah Anda berisiko tinggi untuk menderita penyakit mata.

Komsumsi makanan yang mampu melindungi kesehatan mata Anda

Anda mungkin mengetahui bahwa wortel baik bagi kesehatan mata Anda, tetapi diet makanan yang kaya buah-buahan dan sayuran berdaun hijau sangat gelap seperti bayam, kangkung atau collard hijau adalah juga sangat penting untuk menjaga kesehatan mata Anda.Beberapa penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa makan ikan yang kaya akan omega-3 asam lemak, seperti salmon, tuna sangat bermanfaat untuk menjaga kesehatan mata.

Menjaga berat badan agar tetap ideal.

Kelebihan berat badan ( obesitas ) akan meningkatkan risiko untuk terkena diabetes dan kondisi sistemik lainnya yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan mata / kehilangan penglihatan seperti penyakit mata oleh karena diabetes ( glaukoma ).Jika Anda kesulitan mengontrol berat badan, mintalah petunjuk dari dokter Anda.

Pakailah kacamata pelindung.

Sangat disarankan menggunakan kacamata pelindung pada saat berolahraga dan melakukan kegiatan di sekitar rumah.kaca mata pelindung termasuk yang dirancang khusus untuk melakukan aktivitas tertentu, lensa kacamata yang digunakan untuk pelindung biasanya terbuat dari bahan polycarbonate, yaitu 10 kali lebih kuat dari plastik lainnya, biasanya banyak ditemukan di toko khusus perawatan mata atau di toko yang menjual alat-alat olahraga.

Tidak merokok atau berhenti merokok.

Rokok sangat buruk bagi Anda, karena rokok yang diisap akan meninggalkan racun ( nikotin ) dalam tubuh Anda, beberapa penelitian juga menunjukkan adanya hubungan perokok terhadap peningkatan risiko degenerasi makula seperti katarak, kerusakan saraf optik yang semuanya dapat menyebabkan kebutaan.

Berikan waktu mata Anda untuk beristirahat.

Jika seharian Anda menghabiskan waktu di komputer atau untuk sesuatu hal, Anda kadang lupa untuk mengedipkan mata, yang menyebabkan mata menjadi lelah.Cobalah tips 20:20:20, artinya setiap 20 menit, cobalah melihat jauh sekitar 20 meter didepan Anda selama 20 detik.

Bersihkan tangan dan lensa kontak Anda secara benar.

Untuk menghindari risiko infeksi biasakan selalu mencuci tangan dengan benar sebelum memasang dan melepaskan lensa kontak Anda.dan pastikan untuk selalu mensterilkan lensa kontak Anda dan menggantinya sesuai aturan yang telah ditentukan.

Inilah beberapa tips sederhana yang dapat Anda lakukan agar kesehatan mata tetap terjaga, lakukan secara teratur dan berkesinambungan untuk hasil yang maksimal. 
Kenali prinsip dalam merawat kulit Anda

Kenali prinsip dalam merawat kulit Anda

Kenali prinsip dalam merawat kulit Anda  - Anda mempunyai kulit yang sering bermasalah ? salah satu penyebab biasanya adalah karena ketidak tahuan kita tentang prinsip merawat kulit yang benar dan sehat, atau mungkin juga karena kesibukan Anda sehingga tidak punya cukup waktu untuk melakukan perawatan kulit dengan baik dan sehat.Pilihan untuk menerapkan gaya hidup yang sehat juga diyakini akan dapat membantu menunda proses penuaan alami dan dapat mencegah berbagai masalah penyakit.

Berkut ada beberapa prinsip dasar yang dapat Anda praktekkan untuk menjaga dan merawat kesehatan kulit Anda, diantaranya :

Salah satu cara yang efektif dan paling penting untuk merawat kulit Anda adalah melindunginya dari sinar matahari yang berlebihan.Paparan sinar matahari yang terus menerus bisa menyebabkan keriput, bintik-bintik dan masalah kulit lainnya, dan yang paling mengerikan adalah Anda mempunyai risiko lebih besar untuk menderita kanker kulit.

  • Gunakan Tabir Surya.Dianjurkan menggunakan tabir surya spektrum luas dengan SPF minimal 15.Ketika Anda berada diluar ruangan Anda dapat mengulangi penggunaan tabir surya setiap 2 jam atau lebih sering, apalagi jika Anda sedang berenang atau berkeringat yang banyak.
  • Berteduhlah ketika sedang panas terik.Hindari matahari pada jam 10:00 - 16:00, karena pada waktu tersebut biasanya sinar matahari sangat kuat dan menyengat.
  • Gunakan pakaian pelindung.Gunakan pakaian yang dapat melindungi kulit Anda dari paparan langsung sinar matahari misalnya gunakan kemeja lengan panjang, celana panjang, dan topi bertepi lebar.Kemudian juga bahan pakaian harus mampu menyerap keringat, atau gunakan pakaian pelindung khusus yang sudah dirancang untk memblokir sinar ultraviolet.

Tidak dapat dipungkiri lagi bahwa merokok membuat kulit Anda tampak lebih tua dan dapat mempercepat keriput.Rokok mempunyai efek negatif yaitu mempersempit pembuluh darah tepi ( vasokontriksi perifer ) dilapisan terluar kulit, yang akhirnya akan menurunkan dan membatasi jumlah aliran darah yang membawa oksigen dan nutrisi yang sangat dibutuhkan untuk menjaga kesehatan kulit.Merokok juga dapat merusak kolagen dan elastin - serat yang memberikan kulit Anda kekuatan dan elastisitas.Selain itu, ekspresi Anda pada saat mengisap dan mengeluarkan asap rokok dapat membuat kulit anda lebih cepat menjadi keriput.

Jika Anda termasuk perokok, cara terbaik untuk melindungi dan menjaga kulit Anda agar tetap sehat adalah berhenti merokok.Jika Anda kesulitan, anda dapat meminta bantuan dan menanyakan pada dokter Anda tentang kiat-kiat agar bisa berhenti merokok.

Ada beberapa tips yang di praktekkan dalam keseharian Anda, agar kulit Anda tetap terawat dan terjaga, yakni :
  • Batasi waktu Mandi.Jika Anda mandi tidak disarankan jangan terlalu lama dan usahakan menggunakan air hangat, jangan terlalu panas, karena akan membawa efek yang kurang baik bagi kulit Anda, karena kita tahu kulit sangat sensitif berbagai hal terutama sensasi panas.
  • Hindari sabun yang kuat.sabun yang terlalu kuat dikhawatirkan akan menyebabkan iritasi pada kulit Anda, jadi gunakanlah sabun pembersih yang ringan.
  • Bercukur dengan hati-hati.Sebelum bercukur oleskan krim pencukur,lotion atau gel  untuk melindungi dan melumasi kulit Anda.gunakan alat cukur yang tajam, bersih dan senyaman mungkin.
  • Gunakan handuk yang lembut.sehabis mandi atau mencuci, keringkanlah dengan handuk dengan cara menepuk secara lembut sehingga kelembaban kulit Anda akan tetap terjaga.
  • Gunakan pelembab untuk kulit kering.Jika tipikal kulit anda tergolong kering, gunakanlah pelembab  yang sesuai dengan jenis kulit Anda.untuk penggunaan sehari-hari pertibangkanlah pelembab yang mengandung SPF.

Diet sehat dapat membantu anda untuk mempertahankan vitalitas terbaik Anda, makan banyak buah-buahan, sayuran,biji-bijian yang kaya akan vitamin C dan rendah lemak menurut beberapa penelitian akan membuat kulit Anda terlihat lebih muda dan fresh.

Stress yang tidak dapat dikendalikan atau yang tidak terkontrol dapat membuat kulit lebih sensitif dan akan mudah memicu timbulnya jerawat dan masalah kulit lainnya.Jadi jika Anda ingin kulit anda tetap sehat dan segar, mau tidak mau anda harus berusaha mengendalikan dan meminimalisir stress Anda, jika Anda merasa kesulitan mengendalikan stress Anda, disarankan meminta bantuan dokter atau konsultan psikolog yang mungkin bisa memberikan tips agar Anda dapat mengendalikan stress Anda.dan jangan lupa nikmati apapun pekerjaan Anda.
Fun Way to be Healthy with Sports Fitness

Fun Way to be Healthy with Sports Fitness

Fun Way to be Healthy with Sports Fitness. When you talk about sports fitness, what comes first in your mind? It is, basically, the different sports activities, right? This is because sports fitness has always been referred to as the sports itself.Generally, sports entail physical activities that are usually carried out for some “recreational” functions such as self-satisfaction, entertainment, competition, etc. It uses physical activity that is why most fitness experts regard sports as one way of staying fit and healthy. It can also be considered as one way of physical fitness; the only difference is that sports fitness is more inclined to the development of skill or ability.

However, like physical fitness, sports fitness is also capable of toning down the body fats of a person. Because of its rigid and strict health program, a sports enthusiast is able to maintain a well-balanced lifestyle in order to cope up with the strenuous demands of sports.

In sports, people should learn how to value their health. Otherwise, they can never endure the kind of energy that is required when playing sports activities.

Therefore, for people whoa re into sports fitness, here are some tips that you could use in order to stay healthy and be active on whatever sports you want to pursue:

1. Drinks lots of water

Humans can survive days, or even months without food, but they can never last a day without water.

Water is, indeed, the most important element needed by the body. Excessive perspiration, without any means of replenishing the lost fluids will result to serious health problems, and even death.

Therefore, for people who are into strenuous exercises and trainings, it is best to always drink lots of water.

However, for sports enthusiasts, water may not be enough to replace the kind of fluid lost. Hence, it would be better if they would have sports drinks instead. Aside from the fluid, sports drinks have tow additional important ingredients needed by a person who is into sports fitness: carbohydrates and electrolytes.

Electrolytes are usually lost during strenuous physical activity, and this can only be replaced through sports drinks. Carbohydrates, on the other hand, are also needed by the body during rigid workouts to provide more energy so that the body can cope up to the demands of the activity.

2. More veggies!

People who are into sports fitness require more intakes of vegetables and fruits. This is because the body is craving for more vitamins and mineral supplements. It makes the body stronger and healthier enabling it to cope up with demands of the activity.

3. Calcium intake

People who are into sports fitness should have calcium present on their diet. This is to provide stronger bones to the body.

Since the body is more exposed to greater physical activities, it is important to have stronger bones in order to avoid fractures or certain bone diseases like “osteoporosis.”

Calcium can be found in different vitamin and mineral supplements. They are also abundant in foods like sardines, tofu, dairy products, etc.

4. Warm exercises are always important before any kind of strenuous activities.

This kind of activity is needed in order not to strain the body. Hence, before playing the sports that you have always love, it is best to do some warm-up exercises first.

Indeed, engaging into sports activities is one great way of being physically fit. The best thing about it is that in sports, you get to enjoy the best of both worlds.
Tips Working Out for Extreme Fitness

Tips Working Out for Extreme Fitness

Tips Working Out for Extreme Fitness. Many people think about building muscles as abandoning life outside the gym and devoting hours in the gym like a monk in a monastery. Perhaps the only way to chisel the body into a hot muscular physique is by toiling hour by hour over the rusty iron day in, day out and year in, year out.This need not be so. Although hard work is truly required, extreme fitness demands one to be a slave of the iron weights. Full-body work outs can make one progress and it easily fits in one's schedule. This is very convenient if one is looking forward to achieving extreme fitness but finds it hard to hold on to a single work out routine.

Genuine full-body work outs done by athletes with an aim in mind makes for maximum muscle contraction using heavy weights, makes room for full recovery so one can actually grow and continue to train hard plus it also prevents burnout which is inevitable due to excess training.

So if one is ready for extreme fitness, here is all there is to know about full body work out:

Full-body work out is a time saver. The biggest plus about having the whole body trained all at once is probably having to go to the gym less frequently; perhaps around two to three times for every seven days would be enough.

Another advantage of working out the entire body all at once is that one need not spend two or more hours of strenuous exercise in the gym for every session; one only spends one hour in the gym for every session. So that's just three to four hours per week in the gym right? With full-body work outs, it is all about the quality of exercise one does for session and not the quantity, nor even the amount of time you allot per session.

Full-body work out boosts the cardiovascular system for extreme fitness. One must allot two to four sets for every body part into the one hour session. Jam packed with exercising, each one hour session then gets the heart and the rest of the cardiovasular system pumping and up to speed in a flash.

Now feeling pumped up, next find out what rules does one have to follow when engaging in full-body work outs:

Training commences only once every two to three days. This is so easy isn't it? What is great about this is that there is time spared during rest days so that one can indulge in a few cardio exercise sessions instead of depending on cardio execises one normally does at the end of each work out session which after all, are not at all very effective.

Heavy lifting is strongly advised. Contrary to popular belief, especially among athletes. It is not true that it is good to get trapped on training lightly than one actually could so as to conserve energy for the other body parts that will come later in the routine. What is true is that one cannot achieve optimal progress if one is not training heavy, no matter which program that person is doing.

One exercise only per muscle group. This is very easy to follow and is also important. Doing basic exercises which are also intense means you do not have to do another different exercise for that body part.

Keep work out short. Resistance training affects the natural homones of the body connected to muscle building. Intense exercising boosts the testosterone levels and long work outs increase those of catabolic cortisol. Sixty minutes of work out allows you to get the best of both worlds.

Now with this convenient and powerful work out regimen, one can now truly experience extreme fitness.

How To Moderate Exercises to Fitness!

How To Moderate Exercises to Fitness!

How To Moderate Exercises to Fitness!.Have you ever felt tired and stressed out from work and by the time you get home you see your three children running towards you asking you to play basketball with them? You refused and promised them that you will after you take you rest.Instead of disappointing your children, why not say, "yes" after all? You will be surprised by the amount of energy you will have after that 30-minute activity.

Did you know that by exercising at a moderate pace for only 30 minutes, you would feel a lot better, mentally? It has been proven that this improves the appetite and sharpens your style in problem solving. Not only that. You will also feel that it is easier to sleep at night if you do moderate exercises even for only 30 minutes every day.

What are the benefits of regular exercise? It promotes self-discipline and has a positive impact how you perceive life. Exercise helps in lifting your spirits and getting you out of any depression. For first timers, it can be done for 15 minutes for 2 to 3 days a week. You can increase the time you spend once your body gets tuned up for it.

DON'T you ever force your body! If you get hurt, then stop. You can take a break from exercising for a few days and then you can start again but you need to start from day 1.

Here are some moderate exercises you can do and enjoy:

1. Do the Walking. Make use of your surroundings. You can walk your dog, with your partner or child. Encourage your family to do the walking exercise daily and you will find yourself burning calories while enjoying the surroundings and getting enough sunlight that is also good for your body.

2. Discover the wonders of Yoga. Yoga is one effective exercise that energizes not only your body but also your soul. You may want to learn even the basic yoga positions that are not too complicated but proven effective. A five-minute yoga exercise can perk you up and recharge your body with the energy you lost for the whole day. You relax and at the same time you stretch!

3. Engage yourself into sports. Play basketball, football, baseball, tennis or badminton. Many doctors have recommended sports as an effective way to stay fit and healthy. Sports can also be done in moderation. Do not take it seriously. Shooting basketball with a friend is one moderate exercise that is also considered a sport.

4. Join exercise programs at work. If you still do not have exercises programs at work, then why not start it? You can talk to your boss about it and start with your colleagues. You do not only lose calories but it is also one good way to bond with them. This can be done 30 minutes, 3 times a week.

5. Exercise while doing household chores. Gardening, raking leaves, lawn mowing, doing the laundry, vacuuming and car washing are effective moderate exercises at home. Make use of these chores to sweat and burn calories. Instead of using machines and gadgets to perform these chores, why not do it with your hands and lose some fats?

Making exercises as part of your daily routines will surprise you of how much calories you will lose. Doing these moderate exercises of the same amount every day can burn 150 calories up to 1,000 calories a day!
You Must  Look on Diet Fitness

You Must Look on Diet Fitness

You Must  Look on Diet Fitness. Many people nowadays are very much conscious about their own health and fitness. In addition to that, these people, and many others as well, are now having that desire to sculpt their bodies to ahieve that magazine-cover look. As a result, gyms, health spas and other fitness centers have proliferated all over to cater to the needs of the fitness buffs and afficionados.

Even on television exercise machines, weight loss products, and other paraphernalia to improve fitness have more or less gained control over the airwaves and made their way into the households. But exerise is not the only way to build that body beautiful. It also entails certain amount of responsibility on the foods one chooses to eat. Being healthy and fit requires one to observe diet fitness.

Diet fitness is as essential as exercise itself. Diet for fitness provides the essential nutrition one needs to restore worn-out muscles and for healthy growth. Diet fitness should never be taken for granted. With the popularity of keeping fit, many different views, methods, programs and dieting strategies have been formulated by many professionals. Among these are high carb diets and high fat diets. Whih one is more effective and which one should one choose to follow?

First thing to know would be the fundamental differences between these two diet approaches. As the name implies, high carb diets concentrates on taking in carbohydrate-rich foods while high fat diets endorses fat-rich foods. High carb diets are utilized to glycogen stored in the liver and muscles. Glycogen is a glucose complex that provides large amounts of energy ready for use in anaerobic exercises.

Fats, on the other hand, is well-nown for being the richest source of calories. It actually contains 2.5 times more calories than carbohydrates and proteins alike. Studies also show that it takes the body 24 calories to metabolize carbohydrates while it only takes 3 to burn down fat. So which one to follow? A person can follow a high carb and low fat fitness diet or the other way around. It is absolutely not recommended to follow both at the same time; unless of course if you want to gain body fat.

But then diet fitness is not all about losing fat, one must also consider his diet in order to keep fat away. Research shows that sustainable loss of weight can only be achieved on a diet which suits the individual food preferences, lifestyle, medical profile and satiety signals.

Diet programs all over can help you shed off excess pounds, but only one diet can help you stay sexy, and it is the one that satisfies you most. Other important aspects of having a fit diet are moderation, balance and variation. One must be careful not to leave out important nutrients and other substances necessary for healthy body functioning. health organizations are clear about the amounts of nutrients an individual should have in the body.

Low fat high carbs, high carbs low fat; the question is not which diet program will work out but which is it that will work for you. Striving for a sexy and healthy body does not have to burden an individual, diet fitness does not have to mean sticking to the same kind of food for life. One may even try to be adventurous and try out new foods out there. Who knows? one may even discover spinach interesting.
About Beauty and Fitness

About Beauty and Fitness

About Beauty and Fitness. Health is wealth. By being physically fit, it can make a person look lean both inside and out.

There is a lot a person can do such jogging or walking  in the morning, playing basketball or any other sport with friends but if a person wants to have muscles and look lean, the best thing to do will be to sign up and workout in a gym.

Just like taking any medicine, one should first consult the doctor before undergoing any form of exercise.

Physical exercise is beneficial because it helps maintain and improve ones health from a variety of diseases and premature death.  It also makes a person feel happier and increases ones self esteem preventing one from falling into depression or anxiety. It has also shown to make a person with an active lifestyle live longer than a person who doesn’t.

The best exercise plan should have cardiovascular and weight training exercises. This helps burn calories and increase the muscle to fat ratio that will increase ones metabolism and make one either gain or lose weight.

A person who has never worked out before should do it gradually. Doing it too much for the first time can make one pull a muscle or have an injury making it worse. Endurance will never be built in a day and doing it repeatedly will surely be good to the person.

Focusing on certain portion in the body can help make it improve. A good example is going to the gym and doing a workout more often in a specific area such as the abs can give one a chest pack.

But beauty is not only about having muscles which is what people can see. It is also about enhancing the beauty within.

Here are some things one can do everyday to stay beautiful and healthy;

·    Reading books and other reading material more often keeps the mind sharp just like working out keeps the body in shape.

·    Work no matter what kind it is produces stress. One can reduce this by taking the time out to do something special like lying in a hot tub, shopping or watching a movie. Studies have shown it is reliever and helps one from looking haggardly.

·    Pollution is something people cannot control given the size of the problem. When one goes out, it is best to put some form of protection such as beauty products that contain antioxidants that protect the skin from damage. There are also other beauty products available and choosing the right one with the help of a dermatologist can help the person.

·    Another way to stay healthy is to give up some vices. Most people smoke and drink. Smoking has been proven to cause lung cancer and other diseases as well complications for women giving birth. Excessive drinking has also shown to do the same.

·    For people who don’t smoke, it is best to stay away from people who do since studies have shown that nonsmokers are also at risk of developing cancer due to secondary smoke inhalation.

·    Lastly, it is best to always start the day with a positive outlook. Just as studies have shown that exercise makes a person feel happier, smiling produces the same effect. A smile can do a lot and it is contagious in a positive sense. It brightens the day of not only one but others as well.
This Is Facts About Nutrition Labels

This Is Facts About Nutrition Labels

The nutrition label located on each and every food item, will tell you all the information about that food.  For some however, this information isn't exactly that reader friendly.  Fear not, as it's actually easier than you think.

Serving Size
This size is based on the amount people eat. Similar food items will have similar serving sizes, thus making it easier to compare 2 foods of the same category.

% Daily Value
This indicates how food will fit in a 2,000 calorie diet.This will help you to understand if the food
has a lot, or just a little of the important nutrients.

The middle section
The nutrients you'll find listed in the middle section are the ones that are most important to your health. This information can help you to calculate your daily limit of fat, fiber, sodium, and other nutrients.

Vitamins & minerals
The percent daily value found here is the exact same as the U.S. Recommended Daily Allowance for vitamins and minerals. 

Now that you know what the nutrition label actually means, it'll be a lot easy to eat healthy.  Eating
healthy is a great thing - especially when you use the nutrition label to assist you with your food choices.
Tips How To Eating Healthy When Eating Out

Tips How To Eating Healthy When Eating Out

If you go out to a restaurant to eat, you probably
watch your calories very closely.  To assist you
with your calorie watching when dining out, these
tips will help you make the most of it.

-  Always order salad dressings or sauces on the side,
as this way you have control over how much you add
to your meal.

-  When you order grilled fish or vegetables, you
should ask that the food be grilled without butter
or oil, or prepared with very little or either or.

-  Anytime you order pasta dishes, be on the lookout
for tomato based sauces instead of the cream based
sauces.  Tomato based sauces are much lower in fat
and calories, and tomato sauce can even be counted
as a vegetable!

-  You should always try to drink water, diet soda,
or tea instead of soda or beverages that contain

-  If you order dessert, share with a friend. Half
of the dessert will equal half of the calories.

-  When you choose a soup, remember that cream
based soups are higher in fat and calories than
other soups.  A soup can be a great appetizer, as
most are low in calories and you fill you up pretty

-  When ordering a baked potato, ask for salsa instead
of sour cream, butter, cheese, or even bacon.  Salsa
is very low in calories and provides a healthy
alternative with plenty of flavor and spice.

-  When you are full, stop eating.  Listen to your
body and what it tells you.

-  If you get full, take half of your meal home. 
The second portion of your meal can serve as a second
meal later.  This way, you get two meals for the
price of one.

-  If you're looking to eat less, order two appetizers
or an appetizer and a salad as your meal.

-  If you get a choice of side dishes, get a baked
potato or steamed vegetables instead of french

-  Always look for food on the menu that's baked,
grilled, broiled, poached, or steamed.  These types
of cooking use less fat in the cooking process and
are usually much lower in calories.

-  Plain bread or rolls are low in both fat and
calories.  When you add the butter and oil, you
increase the fat and calorie intake.

-  As key ingredients to your meal, choose dishes
with fruits and vegetables.  Both fruits and
vegetables are great sources of dietary fiber as
well as many vitamins and minerals.

-  Choose foods made with whole grains, such as
whole wheat bread and dishes made with brown rice.

-  If you crave dessert, look for something with
low fat, such as berries or fruit.

-  Always remember not to deprive yourself of the
foods you truly love.  All types of foods can fit
into a well balanced diet.
How To Eating Healthy On The Run

How To Eating Healthy On The Run

How To Eating Healthy On The Run.
Whether your traveling on the go or around the
home, you don't need to give up healthy eating
simply because you are on the run.  The fact is,
healthy eating is even more important when your
trying to keep up with a busy schedule.

Having a good diet will help your body to handle
stress better.  As you hustle about, a healthy meal
is probably the last thing you think about.  The
following tips can help you eat when your on the go.

With tempting menus, large portions, and a festive
atmosphere, it's easy to skip healthy eating.  It's
okay to splurge every now and then, although you'll
pack on a lot of weight if you make it a habit. 
When you eat out at restaurants, always be smart
about it.

An airport can be a very stressful place, although
you shouldn't scrap your diet because of it.  Eat
because you are hungry, not because of stress,
boredom, or to kill time.

In your car
Keep some healthy snacks in your car at all times,
so that when you get hungry - you have them.

At home
Evenings and mornings are busy times in most homes.
Making the time to eat can be hard, although you
shouldn't run out the door without eating breakfast
first.  Cereal with milk, a banana, muffin, or even
a bagel is a great way to start the day.

Anytime you are on the go, always make sure that you
make the right food decisions.  You can take healthy
food with you if you need to, so that you have it
when you need it.  Eating healthy on the go is easy
to do, once you know how.  Never sacrifice healthy
food for junk, as your body will regret it later.
Tips Eating Healthy On A Budget

Tips Eating Healthy On A Budget

Tips Eating Healthy On A Budget.
If you have problems serving healthy foods because
of the prices, you'll find these tips to be just
what you need to eat healthy on a budget.

1.  Eliminate junk food
Doing your shopping on your own is the easiest way
to shop, as children and sometimes spouses are
usually the ones requesting junk food.  Shopping
alone will prevent this, and ensure that you only
buy the foods you need.

2.  Water or milk instead of soft drinks
You can still enjoy your favorite drinks at a
sporting event or night out, although you should
stick with the smallest size when shopping to save
money and calories.  Children and even adults need
milk or milk products on a daily basis.  Milk will
also help you get strong and provides calcium for
healthy bones and healthy teeth.

3.  Buy fruits in quantity
Whne they are in season, buy fruits in quantity
and freeze any extras.  You can buy several pounds
this way, and freeze extras to have them when the
fruit goes out of season.  Wash the fruit well,
remove any spoiled pieces, dry thoroughly, then
freeze in plastic zipper bags.

4.  Meats and beans
Meats and beans are the best sources for protein.
Lean meat is more expensive than meats with a lot
of fat.  Canned beans are a great deal as well,
as they give you protein at a great price.

5.  Beans as a substitute
You should use beans a substitute for meat on a
frequent occasion.  There are several varieties,
so you can prepare them in a crock pot, so when
you return home they are ready to consume.

The USDA recommends eating beans at least 4 times
per week.  If you experience gas after eating
beans you should try washing them, covering them
with water, bringing the water to a boil, then
draining it off and refilling the pot. 

6.  If you live in a coastal area or an area
where fish are around, make that an integral
part of your diet.  You can catch them from the
lakes or rivers, saving money in the process.

7.  Peanut butter is great for those on a budget
as it's popular with almost everyone.  You can
use it for sandwiches instead of eating hot
dogs.  It does need to be refrigerated, although
bigger jars can last you for weeks.

8.  You should fill up with foods that have a high
content of water.  Watermelon, salads, and even
sugar free gelatin are all great examples. 

Eating healthy is always something you can't go
wrong with.  You can eat healthy for just a few
bucks, which makes it perfect for those on a
budget. Now, you don't need a lot of money to have
the lifestyle and health you've always wanted.
About Eating Healthy For Students

About Eating Healthy For Students

About Eating Healthy For Students.
For students, eating at college is an entire new
ball game, with late night pizza delivery and food
from buggies.  Even though some of these quick and
simple options taste great, they are probably
not healthy for a student's body. 

The food choices students make can affect whether
or not they are able to remain awake during class
and whether or not they will come down with
mononucleosis when it hits campus.  The problem
is not only about eating junk food, it's more
about not getting the proper proteins, carbs,
vitamins, and minerals that people need.

When it comes to defending against illnesses,
vitamins and minerals are very important.  Just
because they are important, isn't a reason for
students to run out and stock up on vitamins and
supplements.  It's best for students to get their
nutrition from food.

You can find vitamin C in citric fruits, Vitamin
A in milk and diary products, and vitamin E in
nuts, whole wheat products, and even green leafy
vegetables.  This is the ideal way to get
nutrition, as your body relies on these vitamins
for many reasons.

When you eat on campus, skip on the soda's and
go right to the juice machines.  Explore the
different entrees available and go to the salad
bar where there are fresh vegetables.  You can
also try putting some broccoli and cauliflower
in the microwave for steamed vegetables.  There
are always healthy cereals and plenty of fresh
fruit available in dining halls as well.

Always remember that eating healthy isn't just
about avoiding greasy foods.  Eating healthy
involves getting a balanced diet and getting the
right nutrients and vitamins to keep your body
in peak performance - or at least awake during
your classes.

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